Home > Requirements > Home > Home > Home
Report generated 22-06-2020 20:43

Feature: Home


Scenario details

When Addison navigates to https://denisrossi.github.io/

Then they should see the portfolio home page

Scenario Results (including rows of test data) Automated
 Passing 1 100%
 Pending 0
 Ignored 0
 Skipped 0
 Failed 0
 Broken 0
 Compromised 0
Total 1
Execution Time Clock Time Fastest Test Slowest Test Average Execution Time
2s 2ms 2s 2s 2s

Automated Tests

Scenario Steps Start Time Duration Result
Visit the home page 2 20:43:10 2s 488ms SUCCESS

Manual Tests

No manual tests were recorded
Serenity BDD version 2.0.41